Experimental Study on Performance of Portland Based Pervious Concrete using Chemical Supplementaries and Varying Curing Technique

Sanika Kandalekar*, Raju Narwade**, Karthik Nagarajan***
*-*** Department of Civil Engineering, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.9.4.15572


This research article aims towards alteration in performance of pervious matrix due to variation in hydration kinetics. The effects of Portland cement and their basic constituents, along with hybrid polycarboxylate polymers, CHRYSO Air PL were evaluated. Different ratios of chemical suplimentaries (0.57, 0.61, 1, and 1.30% by weight) along with fluctuating quantities of ingredients were adopted to examine the response of physical and mechanical behavior. The investigation involves different laboratory testing based on identification of material properties and products. The material (i.e., coarse aggregate) used in the experimentation was tested for water absorption, specific gravity, flakiness and elongation index, and aggregate impact value. Based on the response of materials, the mix design for pervious concrete was sculptured. The profound interpretations were analyzed with varying curing techniques, i.e., immersed curing and internal curing. The result implies that the set of trials identified with mix proportions were found to be slightly aided with internal curing technique in mechanical testing. The use of chemical admixture, i.e., hybrid polycarboxylate polymers were found to be responsible for improvement of bonding capability of concrete structure. The compactness between the coarse aggregates and mortar has improved compressive strength capability followed by flexural parameters.


Air-entraining agent, Hybrid polycarboxylate polymers, Internal curing technique, Pervious concrete, Water-cement ratio.

How to Cite this Article?

Kandalekar, S., Narwade, R., and Nagarajan, K. (2019). Experimental Study on Performance of Portland Based Pervious Concrete using Chemical Supplementaries and Varying Curing Technique. i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 9(4), 21-28. https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.9.4.15572


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