2O3, a ceramic that belongs to a family of oxides exhibiting fast-ionic conductivity. Na β-Al2O3 has the best solid electrolyte properties. This material is appropriate for use in electronic devices. NaAl 7O11, NaAl11O17, and Na2MgAl10O17 are well known three compounds in the system of Sodium beta-alumina ceramics. NaAl7O11, Na2 MgAl10O17, and NaAl11O17 compounds were prepare by combustion method in a single step. Attempts to synthesize NaAl11O17 by combustion synthesis failed. Metal nitrates as oxidizer and urea as a fuel are the starting material for preparation of these compounds. The method used is combustion synthesis, which is feasible, low cost, and a time saving method. Among the three compounds used in this study, NaAl7 O11 and Na2MgAl10O17 show better results. NaAl11O17 doped with rare earth ions like Cerium and Europium could be achieved.


Preparation of Sodium Beta-Alumina Using Combustion Synthesis

Minakshi A. Kale*, S. A. Kale**, C. P. Joshi***, S. V. Moharil****
* Department of Applied Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
** Department of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
*** Department of Physics, Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
**** Department of Physics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.7.4.15552


The present work is on the study of Na β-Al 2O3, a ceramic that belongs to a family of oxides exhibiting fast-ionic conductivity. Na β-Al2O3 has the best solid electrolyte properties. This material is appropriate for use in electronic devices. NaAl 7O11, NaAl11O17, and Na2MgAl10O17 are well known three compounds in the system of Sodium beta-alumina ceramics. NaAl7O11, Na2 MgAl10O17, and NaAl11O17 compounds were prepare by combustion method in a single step. Attempts to synthesize NaAl11O17 by combustion synthesis failed. Metal nitrates as oxidizer and urea as a fuel are the starting material for preparation of these compounds. The method used is combustion synthesis, which is feasible, low cost, and a time saving method. Among the three compounds used in this study, NaAl7 O11 and Na2MgAl10O17 show better results. NaAl11O17 doped with rare earth ions like Cerium and Europium could be achieved.


Aluminate, Combustion Synthesis, Photoluminescence, Phosphor, Spinel.

How to Cite this Article?

Kale, M. A., Kale, S. A., Joshi, C. P., & Moharil, S.V. (2020). Preparation of Sodium Beta-Alumina using Combustion Synthesis, i-manager's Journal on Material Science, 7(4), 37-41. https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.7.4.15552


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