2S gas, from 90 to 365 days was registered of reduction to 34% for tensile strength or the formation of expansive ettringite after 90 days of exposure.


Evaluating on Flexural Strength of Concrete Pipe for Wastewater Applications

Mohammed-Amin Boumehraz*, Mekki Mellas**, Kamel Goudjil***, Farida Boucetta****
*-** Laboratory of Research in Civil Engineering (LRCE), University of Biskra, Biskra, Algeria.
*** Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Environment (LCEE), University of Jijel, Algeria.
**** Laboratory of Physics of Thin Films and Applications (LPTFA), University of Biskra, Biskra, Algeria.
Periodicity:September - November'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.9.4.15542


Chemical attack by aggressive acid sulphuric sulfate is one of the factors responsible for damaging cement pastes. Then sulphuric acid produced reacts with the surface of the concrete converting the cementitious material into ettringite expansive or gypsum. The objective of this research was done by investigating the sanitation networks as a function of type of pipes, concrete used, and waste concentration (as sulfates and hydrogen sulphide composition). In this research, the concrete specimens were immerged in real environment and these results were compared than result of specimen’s control. In 365 days age, immersion of SRC concrete specimens in wastewater is decreased than specimens control by 7% for tensile strength, which explains the formation of a protective skin the chlorides on the surface for these specimens. At the same age, it was obtained of rapid deterioration after 90 days, the exposure of SRC concrete specimens in H2S gas, from 90 to 365 days was registered of reduction to 34% for tensile strength or the formation of expansive ettringite after 90 days of exposure.


SRC, sulfates, strength; waste water, H2S gas.

How to Cite this Article?

Boumehraz, M., Mellas, M., Goudjil, K., and Boucetta, F. (2019). Evaluating on Flexural Strength of Concrete Pipe for Wastewater Applications. i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 9(4), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.9.4.15542


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