Brake Friction Materials - A Review

Naresh Kumar Konada*, K. N. S. Suman **
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anits Engineering College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University, AU College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2020


Friction materials present in an automobile breaking system is mainly responsible for controlling the automobile during running conditions. In recent years, with innovations in automobile sector, advancements in newly designed automobiles with varying design and high speeds are being launched in the markets, demanding prime challenges for the braking system designers to control the speed of the vehicle. After the phasing out asbestos as a brake friction material by many countries in the world, due to its carcinogenic property, automobile brake friction industry and researchers are looking for suitable alternatives to replace asbestos as friction material. This paper reviews several researches in this field and enables researchers to identify proper friction material responsible for stabilization of coefficient of friction and wear rate. This paper also gives an overview of the role of fiber, binder, and filler materials in improving the coefficient of friction. Finally, the effect of operating parameters, such as speed, temperature, pressure, and velocity on friction materials is studied.


Brake Friction Materials, Friction and Wear, Squealing, Fade, Recovery.

How to Cite this Article?

Konada, N. K., & Suman, K. N. S. (2020). Brake Friction Materials - A Review, i-manager's Journal on Material Science, 7(4), 51-65.


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