Utilizing Priority-Based Queen Bee Algorithm for Power Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Alireza Jahani*, Sogol Rabei Savoji**, Mahdiye Bagheri***, Hooman Soori Roodavari****
* Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology, Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran.
** Teacher and Research Assistant, Department of Information Technology.
***-**** Graduate, Department of Information Technology Engineering, Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran.
Periodicity:October - December'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jwcn.7.3.15517


Wireless Sensor Networks form small nodes that calculate and communicate with each other. In such networks, fault tolerance and security must be improved. In addition, maintaining node energy is one of the most important problems in node operation. Since wireless sensor networks have energy constraints, power conservation in these networks is very important and faces challenges. The aim of this study is to study the challenges and factors affecting node failure as well as the techniques and challenges related to power conservation. Since this study describes and introduces the performance of wireless sensor networks by including features, dimensions and relevant constraints, an appropriate algorithm for power conservation in wireless sensor networks is attempted. Therefore, power conservation techniques were studied in this paper to increase the fault tolerance of these network types and the performance of each method is separately described in different energy degradation conditions by providing a comparative table. The solution presented is a combination of priority-based methods and the Queen Bee algorithm and is introduced and analyzed to create energy-efficient clusters in wireless sensor networks. Therefore, the "Queen Bee Algorithm based on priority "(PQBA) is presented to improve power conservation and achieve the desired energy consumption. The simulation results in the CupCarbon simulator showed that more active points in the wireless sensor network lead to more clusters that reduce energy consumption by increasing the number of clusters and thus increase network lifetime.


Wireless Sensor Network, Node Failure Tolerance, Power Conservation Conservation, Priority-based Methods, Queen Bee Algorithm

How to Cite this Article?

Jahani,A., Savoji,S.R., Bagheri,M., Roodavari,H.S. (2018). Utilizing Priority-Based Queen Bee Algorithm for Power Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks. i-manager's Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 7(3),19-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jwcn.7.3.15517


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