A Review on Software Testing and its Methodology

Jannat Ahmad*, Abu ul Hassan**, Tahreem Naqvi***, Tayyaba Mubeen****
*,***-**** BS, Department of Computer Science, Superior College, Lahore, Pakistan.
** Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Superior College, Lahore, Pakistan.
Periodicity:January - March'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.13.3.15515


Software Testing is very important and time intense portion of the software development life cycle as its persistence is to perceive failures in software, so that flaws may be improved and adjusted at the initial stage. Software Testing is a practice for approving that the product/software/program, that has been developed by programmers/coder, is an excellent or quality creation and to guarantee that the synthetic product is functioning and agreeing to the requirement, satisfying the consumer/client needs. There are many approaches to software testing. Testing is a procedure of training a program with precise intent of discovering errors before preceding its delivery to end user. Software Testing is the method of performing a program to locate an error. This paper defines generally used software testing techniques for identifying error and they are white box testing, black box testing and grey box testing. Software testing, in cooperation in terms of quality excellence and consistency, is very essential. In this article, authors describe the testing software and its objectives and testing altered software, debugging software. After a full explanation of software testing, test methods include Black Box and White Box and Gray Box delivered and the variances and advantages and disadvantages of the three methods calculated. And well methods have acknowledged three methods of software testing.


Testing, Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Grey Box Testing.

How to Cite this Article?

Ahmad, J., Hassan, A. U., Naqvi, T., Mubeen, T. (2019). A Review on Software Testing and its Methodology, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(3), 32-38. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.13.3.15515


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