Improved Novel Graphical Password Authentication Scheme and Usability study

Shoba Bindu C*
* JNT University College of Engineering, Anantapur, A.P,India.
Periodicity:April - June'2009


There are two conflicting requirements for choosing the passwords: passwords should be easy to remember and hard to guess. Traditional alphanumeric passwords do not satisfy these requirements and hence, Graphical Passwords are developed as an effort to improve password security by making strong passwords to remember easily. Most of the Graphical Passwords Proposed in the literature are vulnerable to shoulder-surfing attack. Recently, Raj et al. proposed a Novel Cognition based Graphical Password scheme which is resistant to shoulder-surfing attack. This paper discusses the usability study of the scheme proposed by Raj el al. and proposes an improvement to the scheme that reduces the login time further.


Authentication, Graphical Passwords, Shoulder-Surfing Attack, Usability Study

How to Cite this Article?

Shoba Bindu C (2009). Improved Novel Graphical Password Authentication Scheme and Usability study, i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 3(4), Apr-Jun2009, Print ISSN-0973-5151, EISSN-2230-7168-7125, pp.27-31.


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