Adoption of Cloud Computing in Palestinian Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology: A Framework Development

Ramiz Assaf*
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Business and Technology, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Periodicity:January - June'2019


In the information technology sector cloud computing has clearly become very strong driving force by taking over 90% of global enterprises using cloud as major part of their business. This study aims to introduce a comprehensive framework for the adoption of Cloud Computing and to determine the influencing factors in Palestinian Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology from point of view of employees from the ministry. Depending on two prominent frameworks: Technology-Organization-Environment framework and Diffusion of innovation framework. The researcher used the quantitative methodology to answer the research question and test the hypotheses. The questionnaire was delivered to the employees and received from 69 respondents from 75 disrupted survey. In order to evaluate the internal, convergent and discriminant validity of the instrument, validity and reliability tests of panel data were performed. The linear regression analysis was deployed to test the research hypotheses and come out with findings, recommendations and future to consider it when developing a framework to adopt Statistical analysis shows that there are some factors were rejected and other were accepted. The supported factors were: Competitive Pressure, External Support, Security, Top Management Support and Organization Readiness and the others are not significant.


Cloud Computing, E-Government, Technology-Organization-Environment, Diffusion of Innovation, Framework.

How to Cite this Article?

Assaf, R.(2019). Adoption of Cloud Computing in Palestinian Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology: A Framework Development, i-manager's Journal on Cloud Computing, 6(1), 19-26.


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