Detection and Classification of Single Line to Ground Boundary Faults in a 138 kV Six Phase Transmission Line using Hilbert Huang Transform

Gaurav Kapoor*
*Department of Electrical Engineering, Modi Institute of Technology, Rajasthan Technical University, Rawatbhata Road, Nayagaon, Kota,Rajasthan, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2019


In this study, a fault detection technique and faulty phase identification technique using Hilbert Huang transform (HHT) are presented for single line to ground boundary faults in six phase transmission line. Hilbert Huang transform is used for processing of the six phase fault current signals which are recorded by the transducers located at bus-1 of the six phase transmission line. The possibility of the HHT-based fault detection technique is tested under the variation of fault type, fault location, fault inception time, fault and ground resistances.


Boundary Fault Detection, Faulty Phase Identification, Hilbert Huang Transform, Six Phase Transmission Line Protection.

How to Cite this Article?

Kapoor, G. (2019). Detection and Classification of Single Line to Ground Boundary Faults in a 138 kV Six Phase Transmission Line using Hilbert Huang Transform.i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 12(3), 28-41.


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