Cloud computing has three types of services, mainly they are platform as service, software as service, and Infrastructure as service. So based on whatever the requirements they have, the consumers will select different services and try to use them. Securing the information in the cloud is the better way to access it. Cloud storage will have some different roles like data owner and the service who provides. Particular data owners will not interact with the different users. Now-a-days, the information access is one of the challenging tasks in the cloud storage. Cloud owner would not have fully trusted data owners. So for avoiding the untrusted servers of data by accessing very expressive information for that purposes, they will encrypt the data and so the user will have the valid keys, on whatever they expect to access the information. So in order to validate it they need a management scheme. In this paper, the authors have proposed an advanced attribute based encryption standard system to control the scrambled information. They have used Advanced Encryption standard algorithm for the encryption of secret keys. This approach demonstrated the performance of the services efficiently in a secured cloud environment.