User Dependent Handwriting Recognition using off-line OCR for Arithmetic Operation and Text Processing

D.P. Gaikwad*, Yogesh Gunge**, Raghunandan Mundada***, Swapnil Patil****, Himani Agrawal*****
* Assistant Professor, AISMSCOE, Pune.
** Programmer, Harbinger Systems Private Limited, Pune.
*** Programmer, TIBCO software, Pune
Periodicity:July - September'2011


This paper proposes a generic font description model for optical character recognition. It is based on concept of evolutionary computing architecture. This is user interface application software which works on learning and recognizing the handwritten text of the particular user. The project allows user to write his command for the computer on blank paper and control the operations of the computer via conversational creature. The purpose is to design an easy interface with the computer for computer illiterate persons. Text written by the user will be available to computer for further processing like text editing, narrating, and messaging.

Proposed system has manifold application in government offices for storing lacks of files of record, in business meetings for maintaining review of discussion, in educations for converting professors’ notes into soft copies etc. Blind people can be highly benefited from this system as it supports narrator application. We proposed the algorithm to avoid the ambiguity. The system is tested by giving the handwritten character and sentences of different user. The system recognizes all character and sentences of all users correctly. The user written command on the paper are also recognized and executed by the system. It is found that the performance of the system is approximately is equal to 92%. This system is cost effective as it requires very less hardware support like camera or scanner.


Optical character recognition, Evolutionary computing, Conversational creature, Support Vector Machine.

How to Cite this Article?

D.P. Gaikwad, Yogesh Gunge, Raghunandan Mundada, Himani Bharadwaj and Swapnil Patil (2011). User Dependent Handwriting Recognition Using Off-Line OCR For Arithmetic Operation And Text Processing. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 6(1),28-35.


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