Cybercrime: An Alert for School Students

D. R. Robert Joan*
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2019


Cybercrime is a crime that occurs through internet from any place. The victim does not know the person who is doing the crime online. The person who commits cybercrimes is called as e-hacker as they hijack other accounts and take ownership for it without the knowledge of the account owner. The other terms for cybercrime are computer crime, ecrime, internet crime or online crime. The e-hackers are targeting the account of familiar person i.e., politicians, actors, public sector. In 2016, congress party vice president's twitter account was hacked by a group named as legion (ET Bureau, 2016). In present scenario, the benefits of technology dominate life, so it is unseparable. Moreover, in educational situation, technology takes a vital role. So the teachers are well equipped with recent trends and have an ability to teach “how to handle the technology equipments” rather than avoid it. In addition, the criminals trap the teenagers through internet. Cybercriminals collect the information of others, mainly student's detail through the social network or from other sources and use it for crimes. The criminals use the details to blackmail the students and it will spoil the life of the next generation students. This paper gives some idea to protect everyone or way to escape from the prying eyes. Therefore, the author presents this paper to create awareness among the school students and to give an alert for school students to escape from the hand of cybercriminals.


Cybercrime, Hackers, Cyber Stalking, Hijack, e-Hackers, e-Crime, Target Victims, Laws for Cybercrimes, Social Media.

How to Cite this Article?

Joan, D. R. R. (2019). Cybercrime: An Alert for School Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 1-5.


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