Modeling and Control of UPFC for Power Flow Management

P. V. Sawant*, B. D. Todankar**, D. S. Mhapsekar***, P. M. Thakur****, S. M. Waingankar*****, S. S. Wamane******
*-***** Department of Electrical Engineering, SSPM College of Engineering, Kanakavli, Maharashtra, India.
****** Department of Electrical Engineering, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2021


This study discusses the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) to improve power system voltage stability. With its unique ability to manage parallel flows of real and reactive power on a transmission line, as well as adjust the voltage on the bus, where it affects the stability of the power system. This will provide much-needed flexibility to power system operators to meet the requirements that the deregulated power system would impose. The shunt converter regulates the transmission line reactive power flow and the DC link voltage in UPFC's fundamental control approach. The series converter controls the actual power flow in the transmission line as well as the UPFC bus voltages. The performance of UPFC to regulate the flow of power across the transmission line is examined in this research. Real power, reactive power, and voltage over the transmission line cannot be managed without UPFC. The UPFC circuit model is created in MATLAB/Simulink utilizing rectifier and inverter circuits, and simulation results are shown to verify the model.


FACTS, Shunt Converter, Series Converter, UPFC.

How to Cite this Article?

Sawant, P. V., Todankar, B. D., Mhapsekar, D. S., Thakur, P. M., Waingankar, S. M., and Wamane, S. S. (2021). Modeling and Control of UPFC for Power Flow Management. i-manager's Journal on Circuits and Systems, 9(2), 30-38.


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