Wireless Sensor Irrigation System for Monitoring Different Parameters

S. G. Galande*, C. S. Galande**
*Associate Professor, Department of E&TC Engineering, PREC, Loni, Ahmednagar, India.
**Assistant Professor,Department of BCS, PVP College, Loni, Ahmednagar, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jes.7.1.15310


Water management in agriculture is a major concern in agriculture based country. There is a need to develop conservation mechanisms to make better use of water as well as to increase crop productivity. This can be done by the development of automated irrigation system that takes into account several factors, such as soil moisture, temperature, etc. One of the more popular methods is drip irrigation system. Drip irrigation supplies water drop by drop to root zone of plants through pipes containing several emitters. This irrigation system is composed of the following components: water source which is connected with a main tube called main pipeline. To this line, several pipes are connected using manual or electrical valves that control the water flow. The proposed system is used for sensing, monitoring, controlling, and communication purpose. Sensors are used for detecting different parameters such as moisture for checking the contents of water in the soil and temperature used for checking evaporation rate of water. Output of this sensor is provided to the ARM7 processor. ARM7 processor has lower and upper set point values and according to this set point provided by the ARM7 processor actions such as ON or OFF of the water control valve will happen. Advantages of the system are improved estimation and planning of field irrigation based on the available water supply. The system will optimize the required human resources, time, and effort in the agricultural production.


Drip Irrigation, Sensors, Moisture contain, ARM7, Agriculture

How to Cite this Article?

Galande,S.G., and Galande,C.S.(2018).Wireless Sensor Irrigation System for Monitoring Different Parameters. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems,7(1),26-29. https://doi.org/10.26634/jes.7.1.15310


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