‘Health is Wealth’. Health is the fundamental human right. It is the duty of the community to provide a proper environment for helping each individual to be healthy. This will include the supply of safe drinking water, adequate measures for disposal of excreta, avoidance of air pollution and control of communicable diseases. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by infection with virus or by drugs and alcohol. It causes ill health and severe liver damage and leads to cirrhosis of the liver and the liver cancer. Hepatitis disease spread through contaminated water, food, blood transfusions, organ transplantations, injection, drug use, children sharing the bed of the hepatitis affected children, contaminated syringes and needles. Hepatitis virus is severe than AIDS virus. Colachel and Muttom are situated near seashore, population in overcrowded; sanitation facilities are not well developed. So it is necessary to investigate whether the coastal people of Colachel and Muttom have the knowledge about the dreadful hepatitis disease and its prevention. The investigators conducted the study “Awareness About Hepatitis Disease Among Youth in Coastal Areas with reference to Colachel and Muttom. The investigators recommended that Awareness Programmes about Hepatitis disease should be conducted in the Coastal areas of Colachel and Muttom”.