Health and Human Development Nexus in Nepal

Mukesh Kumar Mishra*, Vinod Mishra**, Farhat N.Siddiquie***
* Lecturer, Department of Social Science, NIMS College, Lalitpur, Nepal.
** Department of Sociology, Trivuwan University, Nepal.
*** Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Bhopal.
Periodicity:November - January'2012


Thedimensions of human development are quite broad. It does have association with many indicators. This study analyzes the links between health and human development in terms of human development indices and survival progress (i.e. life expectancy, infant mortality, under-five mortality). Secondary data from Nepal Demographic Health Survey and Human Development Reports in particular has been used for the analysis. The analysis reveals that one of the major development concerns is people, that is, healthy people. Good health is obviously an important determinant for optimal development. In general, the health status of the people is improving in Nepal. The survival progress indicators has gradually but positively changed between 1996 to 2006 but still there are many challenges as well to maintain optimum health and human development in Nepal. The millennium development goals can only be achieved if improvement in health facilities and human development indicators is given priority in Nepal.


Human development, Infant mortality, Under five mortality rate, Gender related Development Index, Nepal Demographic Health Survey, Human Development Report.

How to Cite this Article?

Mishra, M.K., Mishra, V., and Siddiquie, F.N. (2012). Health and Human Development Nexus in Nepal. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 1(4), 9-14.


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