Alcohol versus Sterile water cleaning for newborn umbilical cord care

Ranjani. P*, Baby S. Nayak**, Sonia R. B D'souza***, Maria Pais****, Manjula*****
*-**-***-**** Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal University, Manipal, India.
***** Canara College of Nursing, Bailur Educational Trust, Kundapur, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2011


Concern about the umbilical cord care arises when there is delay in the cord separation or cord infection. Greater percentage reduction in the cord separation time by using sterile water than alcohol has been reported. Randomized control trial was carried out at postnatal wards of medical college attached hospitals of Udupi district among 80 newborns. The analysis revealed, no significant difference in the cord separation time, and cord infection rate of newborn umbilical cord treated with alcohol and sterile water. The cost spent for the alcohol group is three times more than that of sterile water group. The birth weight, gender of newborn and parity of mother had no effect on the time of separation of the umbilical cord. Sterile water cleaning is safe and cost effective means of umbilical cord care in term infants.


Newborn,Umbilical cord care, Alcohol, Sterile water

How to Cite this Article?

Ranjani, P., Nayak, B.S., D'souza, S.R.B., Pais, M., and Manjula (2011). Alcohol versus Sterile water cleaning for newborn umbilical cord care. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 1(3), 18-24.


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