Hope of HIV Positive Patients in Relation to their Resilience

G. Kumaravelu*
School of Education, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.9.1.15194


People with HIV positive are experiencing discrimination and stigmatization in their altitude of hope in spite of their treatments and many orientation programs. The aim and purpose of the present study was to examine the correlation linking the hope and resilience of HIV positive patients. Hence the present study was conducted with a purpose to promote the better mental health status of HIV positive patients, with an intention to discover out the relationship of hope and resilience, and suitable safety and health measures both for the individual and policymakers were listed out. The present research was conducted on a sample of 40 HIV positive patients. Purposive sampling technique was employed in collecting the data. Adult Hope Scale was used to amount hope and Resilience Scale was used in the present study to collect the data. Results clearly revealed that there exist significant and positive relationship between HIV positive patients and HIV Negative people with regard to Hope and Resilience. The present study paves way for significant anticipation and provisions for the affected and suggests necessary treatment has to be carried out in order to keep away from the disease.


Hope, Resilience, HIV, Positive, Patients, Negative.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumaravelu, G. (2019). Hope of HIV Positive Patients in Relation to their Resilience. i-manager's Journal on Nursing, 9(1), 26-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.9.1.15194


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