Studying the Relation between Information Processing Skills and Metacognition with Academic Achievement

G. Kumaravelu*
Post Doctoral Fellow, School of Education, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2019


The study is descriptive-correlative in nature and it is intended to examine the correlation between Information Skills and Metacognition with academic achievement. The population of the study consists 300 students of secondary school level, who are completing secondary school in 2017-2018, 150 males and 150 females were randomly chosen as the sample of the group. Information Processing Skills scale (IPS) was developed by the investigator and Meta Cognition Inventory (MCI) developed and standardized by Govil (2003) were used to collect data. SPSS was used to scrutinize data from descriptive statistic indices calculating standard deviation, average, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and independent T test. Results revealed that Information Processing skills and metacognition of students had no effect on their academic achievements. Results also showed that self esteem of female students were higher than that in males.


Information Processing Skills, Meta Cognition, Academic Achievement

How to Cite this Article?

Kumaravelu, G. (2019). Studying the Relation between Information Processing Skills and Meta Cognition with Academic Achievement. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 42- 47.


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