An Electronics Solution to Facilitate Smart City for Waste Management

Deepali M. Adat*, Prashant V. Mane Deshmukh**, S. K. Tilekar***, B. P. Lagaonkar****
*,***Shankarrao Mohite College, Akluj, Solapur, India.
**Department of Electronics, Jayawantrao Sawant College of Commerce and Science, Hadapsar, Pune, India.
****Department of Electronics, Shankarrao Mohite College, Akluj, Solapur, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2019


Recently, Government of India has been implementing the schemes of smart city for various cities. The smart city services such as transportation, security, water distribution, electricity distribution, environmental pollution monitoring, waste management, etc., are the major services, which should be made smart to realize the theme of smart city. Out of these services, waste management plays a commendable role in making the city smart. Collections of waste management of the same are the major problems in many cities. Therefore, the present research work is undertaken for designing of smart electronic solution for waste management. To achieve the desired goal of waste management of smart city, an innovative technology, called popular embedded technology and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) are used, where embedded technology helps to design the application and user interface layer and the WSN helps to integrate communication layer with application layer. Out of several concepts of Smart City, the authors have selected to facilitate the smart dustbin for smart city. The hardware part of the system is wired about PIC microcontroller and for wireless communication, the IEEE 805.15.4 standard based Zigbee module is strengthened. In addition to this, to monitor the waste, the weight and level sensor is used. The software part is developed in embedded system and after that calibration system is implemented for desired application typically dustbin monitoring. On investigation, the system works with reliability and high accuracy.


Wireless Sensor Network, PIC 16F877A, Smart Dustbin.

How to Cite this Article?

Adat, D. M., Deshmukh, P. V. M., Tilekar, S. K., & Lagaonkar, B. P. (2019). An Electronics Solution to Facilitate Smart City for Waste Management. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering, 9(3), 38-44.


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