An Analysis on the Leadership Characteristics of Sports High School Students in Terms of Some Predictor Variables

Mehtap Akilli*, Fatih Yenel**, Ismail Aktas***
* Research Assistant, Gazi University, Turkey.
**Assistant Professor, Sport Sciences Faculty, Gazi University, Turkey.
***Ph.D Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Gazi University, Turkey.
Periodicity:December - February'2019


In this study, it has been aimed to examine the leadership characteristics of sports high school students in terms of some predictor variables. The working group has consisted of a total of 258 individuals: 103 females and 155 male students who have studied in sports high schools in Ankara. Data collection tool of the research has been formed as three parts: Personal information form, “The Leadership Characteristic Scale” and “Communication Skills Scale”. In addition to propounding the descriptive statistics, for data analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis have also been applied. It has been concluded that variables such as communication skills, age, sport team, branch (sport type), and grade level have a moderate correlation with the leadership characteristics. Two models have been designed since it has been determined that there is a correlation which may cause multiple connection problems between the predictor variables. The results obtained have shown that both models are statistically significant (1. Model p<0.001 R2=.422, 2. Model p<0.001 R2=.459). The results of this study which has examined the leadership characteristics of young people in sports high school has pointed out that some variables also influence the leadership characteristics as well as communication skills of individuals.


Leadership, Leadership Characteristics, Communication, High School Students

How to Cite this Article?

Akilli, M., Yenel, F., and Aktas, I. (2019). An Analysis on the Leadership Characteristics of Sports High School Students in Terms of Some Predictor Variables. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 14(3), 6-15.


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