Detection of Phase to Phase Faults and Identification of Faulty Phases in Series Capacitor Compensated Six Phase Transmission Line using the Norm of Wavelet Transform

Gaurav Kapoor*
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Modi Institute of Technology, Rajasthan, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2018


A new technique of phase to phase fault detection and faulty phase(s) identification of the series capacitor compensated six phase transmission line is proposed by the use of Wavelet Transform (WT) scheme. Furthermore, the wavelet norm based on the wavelet detail coefficients information on all the phases is used to detect the phase to phase faults. Six phase current signals are processed using wavelet transform, so that the produced norm by the high frequency detail coefficients of wavelet transform at level-1 is analyzed and a wavelet norm threshold is also proposed. Simulation studies are carried out in MATLAB, for various phases to phase faults, for numerous cases of fault parameters variation situations. The simulation results signify the appropriateness of the proposed technique and the flexibility of varying scheme circumstances.


Fault Detection, Faulty Phase Identification, Series Compensated Six Phase Transmission Line, Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Norm, Wavelet Detail Coefficients

How to Cite this Article?

Kapoor, G. (2018). Detection of Phase to Phase Faults and Identification of Faulty Phases in Series Capacitor Compensated Six Phase Transmission Line using the Norm of Wavelet Transform. i-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 6(1), 10-20.



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