Management Motivational Role and Support for Pharmacists in Healthcare Field

Mostafa Essam Ahmed Eissa*
Faculty of pharmacy, Cairo university, Egypt.
Periodicity:December - February'2019


Management role in any organization generally and healthcare specifically is crucial in maintaining work activities of the staff at the optimum quality that achieve the company goals. The following article mentions the important tasks of the managers that should be aware and trained on them to polish their skills for leading subordinates, especially in critical situations that may affect human life such as a team of pharmacists working on handling and preparation of medicines for patients in hospitals in the drug stores and pharmacies. Their morals and attitudes may affect the quality of treatment of the patients and even their lives.


Healthcare, Management Style, Motivation, Pharmacist, Satisfaction.

How to Cite this Article?

Eissa, M. E. A. (2019). Management Motivational Role and Support for Pharmacists in Healthcare Field. i-manager's Journal on Management, 13(3), 1- 4.


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