Unpreparedness of novice nurses during the process of transition to their professional role has broad consequences for the nurse and health care system and leads to reduction of the quality of patient care. It is common for new nurses to feel insecure and unsure about their ability to be a registered nurse, and there is multitude of issues that may arise, which only serve to add these feelings of insecurity. Studies have not clearly specified the means through which such support could be most effectively provided; therefore, the present study was conducted to assess the "Relationship between Precepting behaviors of senior Nurses and the performance of Novice Nurses". This study utilized descriptive and correlational research design. Novice nurse claimed that if they were trained well their performance is better, they said that if their preceptors are visible and show willingness to teach and guide them, they are comfortable doing their tasks and eager to perform their responsibilities with better results. Based on the findings of the study, the Precepting behaviors of senior nurse's skills and experience within the nursing field were highly exhibited including those that reflect their roles as idea bouncer, model, challenger and feedback giver.