Innate and Acquired Abilities of Children: It'S Role in Human Learning

Padmanabha C. H.*
Srinivas College of Education, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2020


A newborn arrives in this world with the inherent capacity to learn. This includes simple reflexes such as sucking, Moro reflexes, grasping etc. These “pre-installed” capacities help the baby to survive, particularly in the early months before there has been time to gaining new capabilities through learning. Once an infant starts to learn simple reflexes, the instinct becomes less important. Most of the human abilities are acquired through learning in educational institutions. An innate theory of development is that a child is born with the abilities or pre-disposition called as genetic makeup that increases the likelihood of a child being able to display a particular characteristic. Innate language factors are genetically programmed physiological and neurological features that facilitate a person making speech sounds and acquiring language skills. Crying, sucking, and grasping are some of reflexes of children, while learning includes classical conditioning; in which a connection of association is learned, so that a response initially elicited by one event is now elicited by an event paired with the original one. School teachers, developmental psychologists, and teacher educators must be aware of the following: What are the acquired abilities of children? Does education enhance the acquired abilities of children through learning? What kind of education is necessary to enhance students’ abilities? Keeping these questions in mind, this paper provides a strong theoritical base for human learning.


Innate Abilities of Children, Reflexes, Competencies, Learning, Acquired Abilities of Children.

How to Cite this Article?

Padmanabha, C. H. (2020). Innate and Acquired Abilities of Children: It's Role in Human Learning. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 13(3), 1-8.


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