Context Information Device Enriched Architecture for Context Computing

G. K. Mohan Devarakonda*, Y. K. Sundara Krishna**
* Research Scholar and Academic Consultant, Department of Computer Science, Krishna University, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor, Department of Computer Science, Krishna University, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India..
Periodicity:September - November'2018


With the increased use of smartphone devices, the business domains are fetching new ways to promote their services. One such business model of computing is to locate the customer through his geographical coordinates and providing the service accordingly, which is termed as context computing or context aware computing or location based service (Payton, Roman, & Julien, 2004). However, the business domains are concentrating on the service point of view, but not on the user choice of required service. For example, a user when moving in a medical emergency may not be able to find out the right hospital based on his type of emergency because hospitals may be of different specialities. In earlier types of context awareness applications, location of user at any particular point of time is termed as the context. This paper redefines the context not only as user location at any particular point of time, but also the user’s state of mind and choice of required service as the context and concentrates more on the services from the user’s point of view. Concentration on the user requirement and customization of services is also a key point in the business, which increases the market substantially. This paper proposes a new approach for context based computing that enables the user to avail services based on his requirement. This paper also proposes a methodology and architecture to provide context aware services to the user in a customizable manner so that the user can specify his requirements more clearly and avail the service that suits his requirement. This approach helps smaller markets to grow more and larger markets to increase further.


Context Awareness, Context Based Computing, User Context, Context Information Device.

How to Cite this Article?

Devarakonda, M. G. K., KRISHNA, S. Y. K. (2018) Context Information Device Enriched Architecture for Context Computing,i-manager's Journal on Information Technology, 7(4), 37-42.


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