A Proposal for a Mobile Platform for a Knowledge-Based Integrated Proxy Network Embedded in a Real-Time Data Center

Dax H. Bradley*
Department of Industrial Technology, Johnston Community College, USA.
Periodicity:July - September'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.13.1.15026


In recent years, the concept of asset life extension has become increasingly important in a safety critical environment. All agents acting in a complex system act in their capacity to create a positive outcome for the organization and tasks at hand using available data and history. Decision-making tools in such areas as telecommunications, healthcare, and utility industries play an integral part in the establishment and maintenance of such environments. A broad range of potential errors, both technical and human, contribute to resolutions which may be less-then-optimal, leading to loss of resources, including time, money, and in severe situations, human life. With greater access to available data, a higher the potential for positive outcomes in decision-making is made possible. The goal is to produce an examination of the available tools in machine learning and algorithm design which aid in decision-making. The strengths and weaknesses of network architectures and algorithmic models is discussed, followed by conclusions and proposed solutions for improved efficiency and access to appropriate information systems.


Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Regression, Data Management

How to Cite this Article?

Bradley, D. H. (2018). A Proposal for a Mobile Platform for a Knowledge-Based Integrated Proxy Network Embedded in a Real-Time Data Center. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(1), 22-30. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.13.1.15026


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