Users' Experience Protagonist and Non-Functional Requirements for Different Group of Peoples- A Study Paper

Murali*, Karthick**, Balaji Saravanan***
*-**-*** Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2018


Software engineering may look like an old term, but the process to be followed to develop a product follows the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method always for a successful product in the market. Succeeding in the market is always a tough task. Though one satisfies all the functional requirements of a client as a product development company, they need to move our focus more on the non-functional requirements and the users' experience. Only then, the product will do wonders in the market. In this paper, the authors propose a successful software model with users' experience as a key factor and also users' view on the product, where all the terms come under non-functional requirement.


Software Development Life Cycle, Functional Requirements, Non-Functional Requirements

How to Cite this Article?

Murali, Karthick, Saravanan, B. (2018). Users' Experience Protagonist and Non-Functional Requirements for Different Group of Peoples- A Study Paper. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 13(1), 43-47.


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