Impact of Gender Discrimination on Workplace Variables

Poonam Arora*, Unnati Malam**
*-** St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2019


Gender discrimination at workplace is the major concern for Human Resource management as it has great impact on the satisfaction & motivation, commitment & enthusiasm, work efficiency & productivity of employees. The discrimination has various levels which exist, change and get accepted within time, though if not adapted well can cause serious stress at workplace. The present study aims to identify gender related barriers to workforce entry, the retention and career advancement of an employee so as to boost their morale at work. The paper draws on a quantitative study conducted over 170 respondents following descriptive research design using a structured questionnaire. The data is analysed using t-test and correlation to check the significance and correlation of factors and find the association between them respectively. The study intends to present the impact of the gender discrimination on variables such as job satisfaction & motivation, commitment & enthusiasm, and stress level of the employees at workplace. Core functions of HR are used to link the impact of gender discrimination with the above variables. The survey result brings out the fact that gender discrimination is not only faced by females, but males are equal victims to it. Majority of the people have faced gender discrimination once in their work life. The study reveals that gender bias creates demonization & loss of employee loyalty, which leads to declining organizational effectiveness. The study not only focuses on discrimination towards a particular gender rather focuses on examining the relation of job satisfaction and the gender of employees and attempts to find how this influences the productivity and performance of an organisation.


Gender Discrimination, Workplace, Gender Bias, Stereotypes, Inequality, Satisfaction & Motivation, Commitment & Enthusiasm, Stress level.

How to Cite this Article?

Arora, P., & Malam, U. (2019). Impact of Gender Discrimination on Workplace Variables. i-manager's Journal on Management, 13(3), 5 - 11.


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