The Measurement of a Novel Conceptual Framework Entitled: “Process Education: Learning to Learn” Via an Explicative Encyclopedia of Innovative Triostatistical Methods, Models, Metrics, and Statistical Procedures

James Edward Osler II*, Philliph Masila Mutisya**
* Associate Professor, Department of Allied Professions, North Carolina Central University, USA.
** Professor, Educational Technology Program, North Carolina Central University, USA.
Periodicity:July - September'2018


This paper is part two of the research paper entitled, “AMOVA” [“Accumulative Manifold Validation Analysis”]: An Advanced Statistical Methodology designed to measure and test the Validity, Reliability, and Overall Efficacy of Inquiry–Based Psychometric Instruments” published in the 2015 Journal of Educational Technology. In this narrative AMOVA is operationalized via successful “Process Education: Learning to Learn” (or “PE: L2L”). PE: L2L experiences, whether taught in a camp, course or as professional development requires addressing specific principles, practices, scales, strategies, and concepts that are native to both “Process Education (PE)” and “Learning to Learn” (L2L). PE and L2L were once separate methodologies but are now combined here to create a novel, innovative, and comprehensive learning practice. This new learning model as an all-inclusive learning strategy uniquely unifies the implementation of L2L experiences using the PE philosophy through the idea of “Transformational Education”. Facilitating L2L through the lens of PE requires the implementation and use of a preset of PE: L2L practices and principles that are measureable via AMOVA. L2L has been implemented and researched in Europe and Process Education as a model has been implemented and its concepts have been tested and measured in the United States. This paper provides a unique cohesive perspective that incorporates the best of PE and the best of L2L to create “PE: L2L”. PE: L2L is a novel conceptual framework that incorporates the principles, practices, scales, strategies, and concepts of both PE and L2L into a new measurable paradigm. In addition, three triostatistical models are presented in this text as ideal data analysis methods for the measurement of the new PE and L2L unification, they are: 1.) Tri–Squared Analysis (Osler, 2012); 2.) AMOVA (Osler, 2015); and 3.) The Taxonomy of Process Education (Osler, 2015). The philosophical and theoretical foundational narrative in this paper is adapted from the results of successful PE “Learning to Learn Camps”; “Teaching Institutes”; and online PE professional development.


Accumulative Manifold Validation Analysis (AMOVA), Conceptual Framework, Learning to Learn (L2L), Process Education: Learning to Learn (PE: L2L), Taxonomy of Process Education (PE), Tri–Squared Analysis, Tri–Squared Test, Triostatistics.

How to Cite this Article?

Osler, J. E., II. & Mutisya, P. M. (2018). The Measurement of a Novel Conceptual Framework Entitled: “Process Education: Learning to Learn” Via an Explicative Encyclopedia of Innovative Triostatistical Methods, Models, Metrics, and Statistical Procedures i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 15(2), 28-43.


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