The Impact of Parenting Behaviour on Developing Positive Attitude towards Social Transformation among Adolescents

J. Johnsi Priya*
Assistant Professor of Education, Meston College of Education (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2019


Ever since evolution of mankind, change is the only constant phenomenon in all walks of life. Changes bring both positive and negative impact on the evolution. Changes with positive impact becomes a transformation and it is witnessed in all parts of human life, i.e. societal, political, educational, and so on. Social transformation is a process of transformation within the society creating a major contributory factor in the domain of sociology. Transformation affects both the society and also the individual and vice versa, which are mutual interdependent phenomenon. On the road towards social transformation, attitudinal changes in the individual, and group forms the primitive step and it is influenced by various socio-economic factors. Social transformation occurs in all stages of human life, but the social transformation in the early childhood and adolescent's period is considered to be a major determinant factor as it influences the character of the individual’s self, society, and also its nation. The transformation of adolescents are influenced by various factors like peer groups influence, communal influence, and others. This study intended to measure the parental behavior of the adolescents for the greater contribution towards their social transformation. The study results showed that the impact of parenting behavior and their positive congruence with developing positive attitude on social transformation among adolescence is significant in terms of gender, educational qualification, and financial status of parents and there is also a positive relation between parenting behaviour and social transformation.


Parenting Behaviour, Social Transformation, Attitudinal Change, Adolescence.

How to Cite this Article?

Priya, J. J. (2019). The Impact of Parenting Behaviour on Developing Positive Attitude towards Social Transformation among Adolescents. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 12(3), 34-41


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