Design and Implementation of Solar Powered Automated Garbage Monitoring System

Pushpavathi M. R.*, Shashi Kumar D. M.**, Satish J.***, Sudha K. R.****, Manu D. K.*****
*_***** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K. S. School of Engineering and Management, Bangaluru, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2019


In modern days, the world has become a very busy place. This is basically due to the rapid increase in population as well as physical resources. Along with these two important factors, there is another factor, which is the total amount of garbage being disposed of. The efficient and practical disposal of garbage is very important with respect to the health of the surrounding environment. The existing methods of garbage collection have been proven inefficient. The proposed system is the smarter way of overcoming the garbage collection and disposal problem. This paper presents the Garbage Collector robot using ARM7. The robot is constructed on a base of size 50 x 40 cm, which is powered by a rechargeable battery of 12 V, 7.5 Ah from the solar panel. The robot movement is controlled by a program in an Android Phone. The robot is designed to collect wet and dry Garbage from every doorstep, by making use of solar energy as a source. While collecting waste it captures the image and stores. The robot is built in such a way that when it starts it will move on the path defined in the program. When it encounters an obstacle, depending on the conditions applied in the program, it stops and later proceeds further motion and then robot picks up the garbage. The main objective of this system is to make sure that the garbage collection, segregation, and disposal is done in a smart and effective way practically. This research work is cost effective and it has a high social impact. This system changes the traditional systems and makes the revolution in waste management. It can automatically monitor the garbage level and sends information to the garbage collection truck. It ultimately helps to keep cleanliness in society.


ARM Micro-Controller, Bluetooth, Sensors, GSM.

How to Cite this Article?

Pushpavathi, M. R., Kumar, S. D. M., Satish, J., Sudha, K. R., & Manu, D. K. (2019). Design and Implementation of Solar Powered Automated Garbage Monitoring System. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering, 9(4), 19-24.


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