Influence Of Moisture Content On 3-Body Abrasive Wear Analysis Of ABS Plastic

Mithun V Kulkarni*, Elangovan K.**, K. Hemachandra Reddy***, ****
* Research scholar, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur, AP, India.
** Assistant Professor, Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
*** Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Director of Academic and planning, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur, AP, India.
**** Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alpha College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2011


This work aims to present a study on 3-Body abrasive wear behavior of ABS plastic on an indigenously developed 3-body abrasive wear tester. The 3-Body wheel abrasion test was carried out at 950 rpm test speed. The tests were carried out at 30N load by varying the abrading distance from 100 to 200m and also under varying moisture conditions, the abrasive grains of 300 and 425 microns were used for the abrasion wear test at dry and varying moisture conditions. Experimental results of abrasive wear tests revealed that wear of ABS plastic was sensitive to variations of abrading distance, varying moisture conditions, abrasive particle size. The results provided critical understanding on the impact of moisture on ABS strength and ductility.


ABS, 3-Body, Abrasive Wear, Moisture Content.

How to Cite this Article?

Mithun V. Kulkarni, K. Elangovan, K. Hemachandra Reddy and J. N. Prakash (2011). Influence Of Moisture Content On 3-Body Abrasive Wear Analysis Of ABS Plastic. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 1(3), 37-41.


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