Design of Router for 2 users and 4 users using Reversible Logic in Quantum Cellular Automata

R. Gurunadha*
* Assistant professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JNTUK-University College of Engineering Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2018


The complexity of circuit designing has been increasing by immense increase of applications in this field. One of the major complexities is power dissipation. Reversible Logic Design can be used to reduce this complexity, which is gaining demand day by day and having applications in low power CMOS circuits, optical computing, quantum computing, and nanotechnology. Power dissipation of VLSI chips becomes a crucial aspect as complexity of applications grow very rapidly. High power dissipation in electronic devices decreases battery lifetime. A router is a key component for transmitting data between two users. It is a networking device, commonly specialized for forwarding data packets between computer networks. In this paper, the author has designed a router using reversible logic in QCA designer. An advantage of quantum phenomena is taken by QCA and, it may ultimately slow down the progress in scaling down CMOS circuits.


Quantum Dots, Multilayer Crossovers, Nano Communication, Router

How to Cite this Article?

R.Gurunadha, (2018). Design of Router for 2 users and 4 users using Reversible Logic in Quantum Cellular Automata. i-manager’s Journal on Circuits and Systems, 6(3), 15-20.


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