IoT Based Smart Health Monitoring System

Udigala Basavaraju Mahadevaswamy *, Zaibabuktiyar Durgad**
*Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, JSSS&TU, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
**PG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication, JSSS&TU, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2019


Globalization around the world has led to a number of spontaneous technologies. Among them artificial intelligence is one such technique which can be implemented through IoT. The aim of this work is to design and develop a system which performs the tasks of measurement of vital parameters, such as temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. The measured values are continuously updated on ThingSpeak server using Wi-Fi module and in case of abnormalities, the information is conveyed to the concerned doctor through SMS using GSM module. An alert call is also initiated to the doctor after a couple of minutes. The system also has an inbuilt pill tracker unit, which alerts the patient at right time to take the prescribed tablet and it also warns the patient in case of wrong tablet selection. Simultaneously, the message regarding wrong tablet selection is sent to the caretaker. The system is also programmed to measure and categorize the nature of blood pressure. The performance of the system with respect to the measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature is evaluated under the supervision of a qualified physician. The readings recorded by the system are compared with the observations recorded by the physician using conventional methods. The application of the system as pill tracker is studied by considering a patient with multiple ailments.


GSM, Health Monitoring System, Server, Wi-Fi.

How to Cite this Article?

Mahadevaswamy,U.B., Durgad,Z.,(2019).IoT Based Smart Health Monitoring System.i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering,9(2),8-23.


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