Preparing for a Future in Global Business and Global Service

Pamela Allen*, Jean Marc Rejaud**, John Rudnick***, Behnaz Quigley****, Fatemeh Zakery*****
*-***** University of Arizona Global Campus, United States.
Periodicity:September - November'2021


Controversial and thought provoking themes are emerging within global business and service industries. Increasing efforts are required to apply global perspectives as part of the topics and objectives in diverse business curriculums. This article provides insights and observations on globalization that are related to the healthcare industries, global leadership and ethical decision making, globalization and business schools and developing global competency for a global work environment. However, a common theme, despite these diverse perspectives, supports increasing efforts to prepare graduates, from diverse areas in schools of business, for the development of global competency. Business programmes would benefit by adding global knowledge, talents, and skills to a variety of courses, ensuring that future graduates would be able to compete in a global market with a variety of global viewpoints and ethical standards.


Business School, Ethical Decision-Making, Globalization, Global Business, Global Leadership, Global Competency, Global Workforce, Healthcare.

How to Cite this Article?

Allen, P., Rejaud, J. M., Rudnick, J., Quigley, B., and Zakery, F. (2021). Preparing for a Future in Global Business and Global Service. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 16(2), 37-44.


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