Design, Implementation and Simulation of Patient Monitoring System using Steady State Visual Evoked Potential Signal based on LABVIEW

Harsha K. M.*, Shalini Shravan**
* BE Graduate, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K.S. School of Engineering and Management, VTU,Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K.S. School of Engineering and Management, VTU,Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2018


Paralyzed people find it difficult to communicate their intent to serve outside world. Hence, this work provides a Mind Controlled communication system that uses Brain Computer Interface which can bypass different communication channels like neurons’ electrical activity, muscles, and thoughts to supply direct communication and management between the physical devices and human brain by translating dissimilar patterns of brain activity into instructions followed by the conversion of predefined text on the screen into voice. The proposed system consists of: Amplifier Filter circuits and LabVIEW software for signal processing and acquisition. The main aim of this work is to develop a brain computer interface system called BCI system that allows the paralyzed people to communicate their intention without any difficulty, provided it is more superior which may assist disabled folks in their everyday life. Different messages are put up on the visual stimulation screen and made to flicker at different frequencies. When patient looks at one of the flickering frequency on the screen, the same frequency is generated in the visual cortex of the human brain and the frequency is then determined by signal acquisition system and translates the predefined assigned message to voice.


Brain Computer Interface, Communication, Signal Processing, Disabled, Human Brain.

How to Cite this Article?

Harsha,K.M.,&Shravan,S. (2018). Design, Implementation and Simulation of Patient Monitoring System Using Steady State Visual Evoked Potential Signal Based On LabVIEW.i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering ,9(1),21-26.


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