An AI based One Day Trip Planner-Ease Your Day

Irfan A. Siddavatam*, Asavari Palav**, Falak Khan***, Radhika Obhan****, Rupali Jadhav*****
* Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
**-***** Department of Information Technology, K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2018


It is a new age where technology dominates human life. With the growth of smartphones and Web APIs, the number of mobile application development have increased in the past years. A large number of mobile applications make use of web APIs to integrate services into apps. In this paper, a mobile app is discussed for a planning, which will allow the users to plan and schedule their day trips by developing a web service API and accessing it through a mobile application. The proposed web API will integrate various third party APIs, such as Zomato, Ola for events, such as restaurant table, cab, and movie booking. Hence the proposed system will serve as an automated flexible planning system which will help the users to schedule their trips without any manual intervention or hassle.


Web API (Application Programming Interface), Mobile App, Artificial Intelligence, Recommendation System, Global Positioning System (GPS), Scheduling.

How to Cite this Article?

Siddavatam. I. A., Palav. A., Khan. F., Obhan. R and Jadhav. R. (2018). An AI based One Day Trip Planner-Ease Your Day. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 5(1), 21-28.


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