Pattern Recognition Approaches in Music Analytics

Makarand Velankar*, Parag Arun Kulkarni**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering and PhD Research Scholar PICT, SPPU Pune, Maharashtra, India.
** Founder, Chief Scientist and CEO, iknowlation Research Labs Pvt. Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2018


Content based Music Information Retrieval (MIR) has been a study matter for MIR research group since the inception of the group. Different pattern recognition paradigms are used for the diverse application for content-based music information retrieval. Music is a multidimensional phenomenon posing severe investigation tasks. Diverse tasks such as automatic music transcription, music recommendation, style identification, music classification, emotion modeling etc. requires quantitative and qualitative analysis. In spite of noteworthy efforts, the conclusions revealed shows latency over correctness achieved in different tasks. This paper covers different feature learning techniques used for music data in conventional audio pattern in different digital signal processing domains. Considering the remarkable improvements in results for applications related to speech and image processing using deep learning approach, similar efforts are attempted in the domain of music data analytics. Deep learning applied for music analytics applications are covered along with music adversaries reported. Future directions in conventional and deep learning approach with evaluation criteria for pattern recognition approaches in music analytics are explored.


Feature learning, pattern recognition, music analysis, machine learning, deep learning,content-based approach, music information retrieval.

How to Cite this Article?

Velankar, M., and Kulkarni, P. A (2018). Pattern recognition approaches in music analytics. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 5(2), 37-46.


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