The Insights of Mobile Augmented Reality Applications on Humans Performing the Task of Order Picking

Tom Page*, Gisli Thorsteinsson**
*Associate Professor, Department of Product Design, Nottingham Trent University, England.
**Professor, Department of Design and Craft Education, University of Iceland, Iceland.
Periodicity:September - November'2018


Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays specific objects on a camera with virtual images, graphics, and communication. This paper presents series of secondary sources with a wide range of subjects connected to this topic. These include order picking as logistical problem, different views on the implementation of augmented reality, and previous experiments using augmented reality to solve logistical problems. This paper investigates the results from an observational experiment created by the author. This experiment involves a range of participants searching for specific books on a library shelf, once with the aid of a mobile AR application and once without. Participants are then asked a series of questions about their experiences with the AR application and to give their own personal comments. The times, feedback, and observations from the participants are correlated with previous theories and experiments using AR in a library to provide insights to research questions.


Augmented Reality, Order Picking, AR Application.

How to Cite this Article?

Page, T., Thorsteinsson , G.(2018). The Insights of Mobile Augmented Reality Applications on Humans Performing the Task of Order Picking, i-manager's Journal on Information Technology, 7(4), 16-29.


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