The Four Pillars of Communication: Language Skills of Prospective Teachers

Rexlin Jose*, B. William Dharma Raja**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2011


Language is an effective tool of human communication system. It is the basis for social, cultural, aesthetical, spiritual and economic development and growth of every human being. It is the destiny of any professional who is hardly in need of an excellent command over English language. Every organization demands effective and excellent professionals for the escalation and expansion of its existence. There is a bumper harvest everywhere, but efficient servants are insufficient as far as job opportunities particularly in educational institutions are concerned. The most important reason is their lack of communication skills in English though they have immense knowledge in their own discipline. Why couldn’t educational institutions be successful in making their products speak English correctly and fluently? Is it because of the ineffective techniques and methods employed in the process of teaching English at schools and colleges? Of course, it might be. But the prime factor is that the students are not given adequate training in mastering the language skills. Through multimedia and modern technology we can offer students not only affluent sources of authentic learning materials, but also an attractive, animated pictures and pleasant sounds, which to a large extent overcome the lack of authentic language environment and arouse students’ interest in learning English. Unless teachers give up their old school of thought, the present scenario of English language with regard to its poor skills cannot be overcome. The present educational system as well as the methods of teaching faces a total fiasco as it has failed to produce proficient educators with a powerful knowledge of the four skills in English language. The present study is aimed at the factors affecting the language skills of prospective teachers and implies that gender, locality and parents’ education are not the major determining factors affecting the communication skill of the prospective teachers. The study results show that there is significant difference in the language skills with regard to the teacher-educators’ use of language and other teaching techniques either at the school or graduate or at B.Ed degree level.


Prospective Teachers, Communication Skills, LSRW Skills, Multimedia Technology.

How to Cite this Article?

Jose, G. R., and Raja, B. W. D. (2011). The Four Pillars Of Communication: Language Skills Of Prospective Teachers. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 1(2), 70-76.


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