State of Research on Phishing and Recent Trends of Attacks

Aniket Bhadane*, Sunil B. Mane**
* M.Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Engineering, Government College of Engineering Pune (COEP), Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Government College of Engineering Pune (COEP), Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2018


Phishing attacks cause companies and individuals huge economic as well as intangible damages. Phishing attacks employ a litany of attack vectors. To deal with such attacks, counter work needs to be done in several areas. In this paper, the authors have presented a survey of literature on phishing detection and the current trends in phishing. The authors have also mentioned that phishing detection can be classified into three main categories namely, disallowing attacks to reach the users, user training, and more useful user interfaces. The goal of this paper is to cover all important aspects involved in phishing detection as compared to existing surveys on phishing detection that have focused on individual aspects. There has been a continuous increase in phishing attacks, with a sharp rise in Spear phishing and attacks over Social Media.


Phishing, Social Engineering, Phishing Detection, Usable Security, Human Computer Interaction.

How to Cite this Article?

Bhadane, A., and Mane, S.B. (2018). State of Research on Phishing and Recent Trends of Attacks. i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 5(4), 14-35.


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