Frequency Based Filtering for Voice Activity Detection

V.Adlin Vini*
Post Graduate, Applied Electronics, C.S.I Institute of Technology, Thovalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2017


Signal Processing is used to bring out the speech in a degraded signal. Amplitude of the signal is obtained by using the SFF (Single Frequency Filtering). Spectral and Temporal resolutions are compared by using three different methods, which are discussed in this paper. Voice Activity Detection is the process in which any noise or disturbance that are made to the speech signal is detected. In this paper, the author has proposed Voice Activity Detection system with the help of Frequency based filtering method. The experimental results show that it gives better results compared to the existing systems.


Voice Activity Detection, Speech Coding, Recognition.

How to Cite this Article?

Vini, A, V. (2017). Frequency Based Filtering for Voice Activity Detection. i-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 5(4), 10-19.


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