The Effect of Fly Ash in Geopolymer Concrete Poles – A Thriving Solid Waste Disposal Measure for ECO-Friendly Environment

R. Thenmozhi*, T. Senthil Vadivel**, S. Muthuramalingam***, V. Padmapriya****
* Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
** Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, ACE Engineering College, Ghatkesar, Telangana, India.
*** Executive Engineer, Tamilnadu Electricity Board, Chennai, Tamil Ndau, India.
**** Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Periodicity:March - May'2018


The current investigation intended to study the behaviour of fly ash based Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Poles (GPCP) and compare that with conventional Reinforced Cement Concrete Poles (RCCP). The study initiated with Low Calcium Flyash obtained from Mettur Thermal Plant as a base material and polymerization carried out by sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate as alkaline activators. To maintain workability, Glenium-B233 has been used as super plasticizer in this study. The specimen casting started with preparing reinforcement grill which was prefabricated welded steel grill for 7.5 m, reinforced geopolymer concrete pole with steel grills comprising of, 4 Nos 10 mm diameter with 7.45 m length, 4 nos 8 mm diameter, 4.59 m length placed at 0.98 m from bottom end, and 22 Nos. of 6 mm diameter ring. The steel form box of size 280 mm x 100 mm at bottom, 100 mm x 100 mm at top and total length of 7.50 m are fabricated for casting geopolymer concrete poles. After concreting the specimen placed in a chamber of size 1.20 m x 1.20 m x1.80 m (with heating capacity of and 0.45 m x0.45 m x10.00 m (with heating capacity of 7 kw/h) for heat curing. In the experimentation transverse strength test was carried out as per IS: 1678-1998 and IS: 2905-1989. The poles were tested in horizontal position and the test loads were applied at the point of 600 mm from the top of the pole. The cyclic loading method was adopted for transverse strength test. The results proved that failure load and transverse strength of GPCP is higher than RCCP and deflection is lesser than RCCP.


Geopolymer Concrete Poles, Reinforced Cement Concrete Poles, Low Calcium Fly Ash, Alkaline Activator, Transverse Strength and Deflection.

How to Cite this Article?

Thenmozhi, R., Vadivel, S, T., Muthuramalingam, S., and Padmapriya, V. (2018). The Effect of Fly Ash in Geopolymer Concrete Poles – A Thriving Solid Waste Disposal Measure for Eco-friendly Environment. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 8(2), 7-14.


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