Designing of Wireless Sensor Network to Protect Agricultural Farm from Wild Animals

Prashant V. Mane Deshmukh*
* Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, Jayawantrao Sawant College of Commerce and Science, Hadapsar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2018


Nowadays, the agricultural sector demands innovative technology to enhance the quality of agricultural products as well as to protect the same. New technologies such as Wireless Sensor Network are widely utilized in this sector for drip irrigation, soil parameter monitoring, green house control, etc. However, on a survey it is found that the agricultural land protection is one of the challenging tasks. Considering such fact it is proposed to design a wireless sensor network to protect agricultural land. The wireless sensor network is the most suitable technology to overcome traditional systems, save time of human being. The wireless network is designed to ensure real time patrolling at the border of agricultural farm and presented in this paper. For present research work, embedded technology based on sensor node have been designed by deploying advance microcontroller PIC 18F4550. The nodes are used to identify the movement of the wild animals crossing in to the border and monitor the activity occurred at border of agricultural land. Moreover, the sensor node is equipped with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard based RF module for wireless communication. The WSN collects information of the wild animals trying to enter into the cultivated crops and the same is disseminated towards the base station located at farmhouse. Moreover, it creates an irritating sound for animals to run away from the typical area. The developed smart graphical user interface helps the farmer to find correct location of the wild animals’ movement. From the database, the farmers can immediate take action for protection of crops.


IEEE 802.15.4, Wireless Sensor Node, Crop Protection.

How to Cite this Article?

Mane-Deshmukh, P. V.(2018)Designing of Wireless Sensor Network to Protect Agricultural farm from wild Animals, i-manager's Journal on Information Technology, 7(4), 30-36.


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