E-Mail based Notice Board Using Raspberry-Pi

Jebisha N.*, Jaya Shiny J.**, Jasmine S.S.***
* PG Scholar, Department of Electronics Engineering, Arunachala College of Engineering for Women, Manavilai, India.
**-*** Graduate, Department of Electronics Engineering, Arunachala College of Engineering for Women, Manavilai, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2017
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jwcn.6.3.14492


Billboard advertising is very popular and is used for displaying information for an advertising purpose. Various technologies are available made up of various microcontrollers, PIC microcontroller and remotely controlled by Global System for Mobile (GSM) techniques. This article deals with an advanced wireless notice board, a digital advertising system which is remotely used from an android application. The system uses Raspberry Pi for advertising contents in a screen, which acts as the heart of the system. The message gets displayed automatically if the user is already in the database, else the message gets stored in a different storage with the new user details. It could be extended to provide notices from longer distances by internet connectivity, which will allow the system to update notices anywhere in the world.


Raspberry-PI, Broadcasting information, Hypertext Markup Language(HTML), ARM board, Python, SMS, Digital Notice Board.

How to Cite this Article?

Jebisha N., Jaya Shiny J. and Jasmine S.S. (2017). E-Mail based Notice Board using Raspberry-Pi. i-manager's Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 6(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.26634/jwcn.6.3.14492


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