CPA Based Multi-Robot Path Finding Algorithm for Wireless Multihop Network

S. Mohammad Malik Mubeen*
ME- Embedded System Technologies, PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:April - June'2011


The main theme of this project is to apply wireless multi-hop communications to the collaborative path-finding algorithm. Here multiple robots are used in path finding. When the robot is able to communicate with other colleague robots, path finding will be solved collaboratively among the robots. The goal of the communication is to spread the map information as quickly as possible. Every robot shares its map information and the network map information to all other robots simultaneously by broadcasting the information thus reducing the time to find the efficient path from source to destination. For this purpose, cooperative path finding algorithm (CPA) is proposed for a collaborative robot system. This is useful in many applications such as area monitoring where path finding is very important. This project is planned to implement with the help of NS-2.


Multi-robots, path finding, CPA.

How to Cite this Article?

S. Mohammad Malik Mubeen (2011). CPA Based Multi-Robot Path Finding Algorithm For Wireless Multihop Network. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 5(4), 35-40.


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