Analysis of Trend in Monthly and Annual Maximum Temperature Over Homogeneous Temperature Regions of India

L. Sinha*, A. K. Chowdhary**, H. K. Dwivedi***
* Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Engineering & Science IPS Academy, Indore (M.P.), India.
** Principal, Institute of Engineering & Science IPS Academy, Indore (M.P.), India.
*** Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Engineering & Science IPS Academy, Indore (M.P.), India.
Periodicity:September - November'2018


Indian climatologists are investigating to discover a possible relation of climate change and studying trends in different climate parameters. However in India the changes in temperatures are not equivalent for every region and have restricted intensity and must be evaluated in the vicinity to manage natural resources. Aim of the study is to determine trend in annual and monthly maximum temperature time series using linear regression method and non-parametric method (i.e. Modified Mann Kendall). For this study, seven meteorological regions of India viz. Western Himalaya, East Coast, West coast, North Central, North East, North West and Interior Peninsula were considered. Trend analysis in monthly and annual maximum temperature over seven homogeneous temperature regions along with all India was done. Analysis was performed on four time window i.e. 1901-1936, 1937-1972, 1973-2007 and 1901-2007. To determine the trend Linear Regression and non- parametric Mann-Kendall test was applied. Modified Mann Kendall test shows that during 1937-1972 and 1973-2007, trend is significant for most of the regions and during 1901-2007, all regions show significant trend. However trend in Linear Regression is observed for the period of 1937-1972 and Western Himalaya region show decreasing trend. Whereas, all other regions including all India show an increasing trend. In West Coast region for the period of 1973-2007, all the regions including all India are having increasing trend and maximum increasing trend is observed in Western Himalaya region. For the period of 1901-2007, all the regions including all India are having increasing trend.


Trend, Maximum Temperature, Linear Regression, Nonparametric Methods, Homogeneous Temperature Regions.

How to Cite this Article?

Sinha, L., Chowdhary, A. K., & Dwivedi, H. K. (2018). Analysis of Trend in Monthly and Annual Maximum Temperature over Homogeneous Temperature Regions of India.i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 8(4), 7-12.


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