Atmospheric Radar Signal Processing Using Hybrid Window Functions

G. Chandraiah *, T. Sreenivasulu Reddy**
* Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, S.V.U. College of Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati,Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, S.V.U. College of Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati,Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2018


The MST radar is situated at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, Andhra Pradesh. This radar is used to investigate the atmospheric dynamics in the regions of Mesosphere, Stratosphere, and Troposphere (MST). MST radar was developed with an active phased antenna array consisting of 1024 Yagi-Uda antenna elements and operated by a frequency of 53 MHz. In this article, the authors introduce new hybrid window functions by using a combination of Kaiser and Blackman windows. The new hybrid window functions exhibit low side lobe levels and narrow beam width of main lobe so that the spectral leakage is minimum. The proposed window based algorithms has been applied to MST radar time series data to compute Doppler power spectrum. After computing Doppler spectrum, the wind parameters like Zonal U, Meridional V, and Wind velocity W can be calculated from the Doppler profile. The obtained wind velocity components of the MST radar data is validated through the Global Positioning System (GPS) Radiosonde data.


MST Radar, Doppler Principle, Window Functions, Power Spectral Density (PSD), Spectral Analysis of Signals, GPS Radiosonde.

How to Cite this Article?

Chandraiah,G.,& Reddy,T.S.(2018) Atmospheric Radar Signal Processing Using Hybrid Window Functions. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering ,9(1), 14-20.


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