A Novel Encryption Scheme to Seucre the Data Using DNA Based Play Fair Cipher Technique

Reddi Kiran Kumar*, P. Bharathi Devi**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Krishna University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Krishna University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jit.7.3.14398


DNA cryptography is one of the cryptographic techniques in which DNA is used to store and transmit the information. With the strange arrangement of information in DNA sequences, it is possible to implement data security efficiently. Though a lot of research is done and many algorithms have been developed for hiding the data, DNA sequences based data encryption seems to be an efficient approach for satisfying the present information security needs. In this paper, the traditional Playfair cipher to DNA Cryptography is applied. The key matrix of traditional matrix contains the 25 alphabets of the total 26-alphabets in a 5x5 key matrix based on the secret key. In the present paper, the key matrix uses 64 DNA codons by arranging them into 8x8 matrix so that the security is enhanced. The encryption technique has been modified, but at the same time retains some of the basic rules of the classical Playfair Algorithm. Playfair technique is modified by arranging the DNA Codons into 8x8 matrix to eliminate its limitations and enhance its security features. The proposed algorithm is efficient as it contains a LOOKUP table, which contains 64 values (A..Z,a..z,0..9, ,.) And the LOOKUP table is randomly arranged for each transmission. The proposed method is implemented and also compared with other popular ciphers on the basis of Time Complexity. The main objective of this paper is to provide a security system which uses DNA as a media.


Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA), DNA Cryptography, Play Fair, Encryption, Decryption.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar,R.R., and Devi,P.B.(2018).A Novel Encryption Scheme to Secure the Data Using DNA Based Play Fair Cipher Technique. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 7(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.26634/jit.7.3.14398


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